By Dr Danica Newbold, B.HSci (Chiro), M.ClinChiro, Ad.Dip Myo. Certified Cox® Technic Chiropractor and Myotherapist.

We all know that exercise is important, and we should be doing it, but what is the best exercise for chronic low back pain management?  Research1 recently undertaken has shown that, for spinal pain patients undertaking lumbar stabilisation and thoracic mobilisation exercises in a Closed Kinetic Chain was the most effective to reduce pain intensity and functional disability.

What are Open and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises?

  1. Open Kinetic Chain exercises are activities that involve a part of the body (usually a limb) moving in space, i.e. a hand or foot is free to move and not pressed against a surface (like the ground or against a wall).
  2. Closed Kinetic Chain exercises are effectively the direct opposite – when the body part you are using (usually a limb) is fixed against a hard surface, i.e. floor or wall. This provides resistance back up into the trunk (core) muscles.

Types of Open and Closed Kinetic Chain exercises are:

kinetic chain movements

At different times in your spinal pain management journey, you may by prescribed different types of exercises and stretches to initially strengthen a particular muscle group and then move on to Closed Kinetic Chain exercises.  Closed Kinetic Chain exercises are often prescribed for strengthening core muscles and stabilising posture. The movements performed during these exercises closely mimic what patients typically do in everyday life or ADL (Activities of Daily Living), therefore improving function.

The Chiropractors at Malvern Chiropractic Clinic and Melbourne Spine Clinic will prescribe specific exercises at specific intervals in your treatment, depending on your condition. Combined with your chiropractic treatment, these exercises are essential to achieving the goals of pain relief and improved functionality.

While life is looking a bit different, with many of us working from home and being in lock-down, now more than ever, our spinal health is vital – performing your exercises daily along with a routine of walking and optimal posture and ergonomics can mean your health and well-being is maintained.  We are here for you, if you need us.  Any questions about specific exercises, can be answered by your Chiropractor.

Bookings can be made online via or by calling 9822 1835


  1. Kostadinović S, Milovanović N, Jovanović J, Tomašević‐Todorović S: Efficacy Of The Lumbar Stabilization And Thoracic Mobilization Exercise Program On Pain Intensity And Functional Disability Reduction In Chronic Low Back Pain Patients With Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil 2020