By Dr Danica Newbold, B.HSci (Chiro), M.ClinChiro, Ad.Dip Myo. Certified Cox® Technic Chiropractor and Myotherapist.

With so many of us working from home (WFH) at this time, we are seeing an influx of patients presenting with spinal conditions exacerbated by makeshift home working environments and lifestyle changes.  Here, we present some physical activity options to consider while life looks a bit different.  We are also available to help if you need treatment, suggestions and equipment for exercising at home and help with ergonomic set up of your home workstation.  Check out the video on our Facebook page showing you how to set up an ergonomic WFH (working from home) environment click here. Like and Follow us to stay up to date with the latest information.

Chronic Low Back Pain (LBP) is one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal conditions worldwide, affecting tens of thousands of people each year. There are numerous risk factors for LBP, such as:

  • Heavy physical workload
  • Poor ergonomics
  • Extreme sports activities
  • Repetitive bending or twisting action

However, it is not just too much physical activity that can cause LBP. A lack of physical activity can be associated with the development of chronic LBP. Decrease physical activity or sedentary lifestyles and LBP are related to each other and follow a cycle:

graph showing prevention for lower back pain

There are many benefits of physical activity that positively affect both the physiological and psychological aspects. It is recommended that an adult should have at least 30-60 minutes of physical activity daily to gain positive health benefits (1).

Examples of physical activity, modified for the current lockdown include:

  • Going for a walk/jog/run or bike ride
  • Doing household chores – cleaning out cupboards and garage
  • Raking up those autumn leaves or grass clippings
  • Using an exercise ball at home
  • Taking an online exercise, yoga are dancing class via YouTube

As we get older, balance tends to decline due to decreases in muscle strength and flexibility. Including Yoga and Pilates into your physical activity program can decrease the risk of fall and ward off developing chronic diseases, including LBP.

The Chiropractors at Malvern Chiropractic and Melbourne Spine Clinic are highly experienced in managing all aspects of chronic LBP conditions. Using Cox® Method of Spinal Pain Management to improve spinal joint pain and flexibility, they can also recommend, appropriate exercises that would benefit your overall health and avoid the development of chronic musculoskeletal conditions.

Discuss with your practitioner today!  Book online by clicking here or
call 9822 1835.


  1. Azfar S, Murad M, Azim S, et al. (December 13, 2019) Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity and its Association Among Patients with Low Back Pain. Cureus 11(12): e6373. DOI 10.7759/cureus.6373