By Dr Danica Newbold, Certified Cox® Technic Chiropractor and Myotherapist.

Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) affects a great number of individuals all over the world, but very little is understood about the implications it has on the lives of sufferers.  Research into this very topic is sparse at best however, new research has just emerged exploring the theme “it has changed my whole life.” In this study reflections were made by the participants (aged 66 – 83 years) with regards to six main sub-themes:

a. Pain damages my sense of self,
b. Trapped in a body that doesn’t work anymore,
c. Me, my partner, and my pain,
d. Pain complicated family relationships,
e. Painfully employed,
f. Feeling social and recreationally repressed.

What we do know from studies that have been conducted in the past is that CLBP can have a debilitating impact on the lives of suffers:

  1. physically, in terms of the inability to execute routine tasks, disruption of sleep and exercise,
  2. psychologically with feelings of sadness and irritability, fears about worsening health, loss of hope towards recovery or pain relief and
  3. socially and experiences of isolation, inability to pursue hobbies.

The good news is that treatment by Chiropractors at Malvern Chiropractic Clinic and Melbourne Spine Clinic for patients suffering with CLBP is using Cox ® Technic.  It can be used on both older and younger patients because it a very low force and low impact method of treating spinal conditions. There is more than 50 years of research behind Cox ® Technic with proven results telling us, “that spinal manipulation and mobilization are likely to reduce pain and improve function in in chronic low back pain patients”.  Furthermore, when combining therapies such as Cox® Technic treatment with rehabilitation/ core strengthening exercises, results can be far greater.


  1. Stensland ML, Sanders S: “It Has Changed My Whole Life”: The Systemic Implications Of Chronic Low Back Pain Among Older Adults. J Gerontol Soc Work 2018
  2. Makris UE, Higashi RT, Marks EG, Fraenkel L, Gill TM, Friedly JL, Carrington Reid M. Physical, Emotional, and Social Impacts of Restricting Back Pain in Older Adults: A Qualitative Study. Pain Med. 2017 Jul 1;18(7):1225-1235.
  3. Coulter ID, Crawford C, Hurwitz EL, Vernon H, Khorsan R, Suttorp Booth M, Herman PM. Manipulation and mobilization for treating chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Spine J. 2018 Jan 31. pii: S1529-9430(18)30016-0