Arm pain
Neck and arm pain are often related. When pressure on a nerve root in the neck is significant, due to narrow foramina, disc protrusion or inflammation, pain can radiate from the source to the region it supplies in the arm. The more pressure on the nerve root, the more severe the arm pain may be.
Cox flexion distraction therapy alleviates nerve root pressure by applying a gentle traction force to minimize impingement and compression on spinal structures, which then often relieves the arm pain too.
Cox flexion distraction spinal decompression therapy is a safe, gentle and effective way of treating arm pain caused by disc herniation, bulge and nerve root compression.
Dr Dixon has recently presented a case report of a cervical spine patient with arm pain due to disc herniation whose nerve root compression significantly reduced on MRI post treatment.
To see a demonstration of Cox Technic please click here
Schliesser, Kruse & Fallon. Cervical radiculopathy treated with chiropractic flexion distraction manipulation: a retrospective study in a private practice setting. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics Volume 26, Issue 9, Pages 592–596, November–December, 2003
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