Spondylolisthesis Treatment
Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
Spondylolisthesis is a common condition that can cause these symptoms. It occurs when a spinal segment or vertebra slides forward over the segment below it. In cases where the spinal cord or nerve roots are being squeezed, symptoms can include back pain and numbness or weakness in one or both legs. While some patients experience no pain at all, others can have pain in the lower back and into the buttocks and tightness or weakness in the leg, which may result in a limp.
How do Chiropractors treat Spondylolisthesis?
Spondylolisthesis treatment by chiropractors who are certified in Cox® Technic at Melbourne Spine Clinic and Malvern Chiropractic Clinic use Cox® Flexion-Distraction therapy, a gentle, low force spinal therapy. Cox® Flexion-Distraction provides the option of non-surgical care. Research has shown that in cases of stable Spondylolisthesis patients were 75% relieved of pain with Cox® Flexion-Distraction(1)
(1)Cox JM, Trier K: Chiropractic adjustment results correlated with spondylolisthesis instability. J of Manual Medicine 1991;6:67-72
A demonstration of Cox® Technic can be viewed here
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