Lower Back Pain Chiropractor

Lower back pain is very common, as about 80% of people in Australia experience this condition at some point in their lives. If you need a lower back pain chiropractor, Malvern Chiropractic Clinic and Melbourne Spine Clinic use Cox® Flexion-Distraction spinal therapy as a main treatment method. This method can be used to assist in treating general back or lower back pain and neck pain, help restore normal functioning to spinal joints, discs, and surrounding tissue.


If you experience any of the following symptoms, it could indicate that you may need a chiropractor for back pain:

  • General pain in your back area
  • Pain in any limb, such as an arm or leg
  • Any burning or tingling sensation
  • A feeling of numbness
  • Any weakness in your back muscles
  • Any changes to your posture, such as slouching or bending forward a lot

How to Reduce Lower Back Pain

Regarding effective back pain treatment in Melbourne, our chiropractors specifically use the Cox® Technic, which is gentle and non-invasive. This form of treatment has been endorsed by over 40 years of peer-reviewed and laboratory research.

Results indicate that 91% of patients saw a reduction in their lower back pain in under 90 days following Cox® therapy. This reduction indicates its effectiveness as a form of spinal manipulation to help address numerous spinal conditions, such as lower back pain, without surgical intervention.

What Are the Benefits of Our Treatment?

The flexion-distraction and decompression method of the Cox® Technic has the following benefits for treating lower back pain:

  • It widens the spinal canal area
  • It reduces pressure on the spinal nerves
  • It makes spinal joints more mobile

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For assistance in treating lower back pain in Melbourne, Malvern Chiropractic Clinic and Melbourne Spine Clinic have qualified and trained chiropractors for hands-on spinal manipulation based on the Cox® Technic. The patient lies on the proprietary Cox® Table for effective flexion-distraction and spinal decompression adjustment and manipulation. Contact us for a comprehensive consultation today.

Contact Us

Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm
Saturday 8am - 11am

After hours contact by appointment only on (03) 9822 1835