Scoliosis and Cox® Technic
Have you noticed any of the following?
- Back or Neck Pain
- Uneven or leaning posture
- Uneven hips
- Uneven creases in the waist
- Uneven shoulders or one shoulder blade protruding more
- Pronounced or exaggerated curvature of the spine
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is the lateral or sideways curvature of the spine. The curvature may develop as S or C-shaped in appearance and quite often also involves a rotational component through the spinal column.
The cause of scoliosis is still unknown, but we do know it typically affects 80-90 % of otherwise healthy adolescents(1) to varying degrees. This type of scoliosis is called Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). It is the most common form, typically identified in girls between 10-12 years and boys between 12-14 years (when growth is more rapid) (1).
Other forms of scoliosis may occur from degenerative reasons; for example, late-stage degenerative scoliosis develops with ageing, resulting in a narrowing or stenosis of the spinal canal and associated spinal disc bulges/ protrusions/ herniations.
How do Chiropractors diagnose and treat Scoliosis?
Early detection of scoliosis is vital to preventing spinal pain and for effective chiropractic treatment for scoliosis, muscle imbalances and premature degeneration of the spinal spaces. While scoliosis cannot be “cured”, the Cox® Certified Chiropractors at Malvern Chiropractic Clinic and Melbourne Spine Clinic can help improve and maintain good musculoskeletal movement and flexibility.
Scoliosis is typically diagnosed by physical and radiographic (x-ray) assessment. While slight curvatures may be common, approximately 2% of curvatures in young females require observation, especially during their growth and development(1).
When patients attend Malvern Chiropractic Clinic and Melbourne Spine Clinic for Scoliosis diagnosis, assessment and chiropractic treatment for scoliosis by our Cox® Certified Chiropractors, they will be thoroughly assessed for any deviations or changes in the spine and its function. Our Chiropractors utilise Cox® Flexion-Distraction therapy, a gentle, low-force, non-surgical spinal therapy to minimise the progressive deterioration of the condition.
To see a demonstration of Cox® Technic, please click here.
Combined with gentle joint mobilisation and targeted soft tissue therapies, Cox® Technic has shown significant success in treating acute and chronic spinal conditions.
The goal when it comes to chiropractic treatment for scoliosis is not necessarily straightening the curve but rather keeping mobility and flexibility in the curve and promoting as good a quality of life as possible. It is about management, not cure.
At Malvern Chiropractic Clinic and Melbourne Spine Clinic, our Chiropractors utilise the most up-to-date research and clinical data to benefit patients with our chiropractic treatment for scoliosis. Our Certified Cox® Flexion-Distraction and Spinal Decompression Chiropractors treat all spinal pain conditions with safe, gentle, non-surgical, doctor-controlled spinal decompression therapy. Cox® Flexion-Distractions is a recognised alternative to spinal surgery.
Visualized spinal curvature from behind
How is Cox® Flexion Distraction and Spinal Decompression therapy used to treat Scoliosis?
Reduction or ‘straightening’ of the spinal curvature is not considered a realistic goal when seeking conservative management for Scoliosis. Scoliosis can be managed quite efficiently from a pain reduction and spinal mobility perspective. A rehabilitation program will be prescribed by your Chiropractor to incorporate appropriate spinal mobility and strengthening exercises. This can ensure that returning to ‘normal’ activities of daily living without the aggravation of pain and symptoms. Since in many cases, scoliosis is a permanent condition, ongoing active and passive management is paramount in preventing further irritation and deterioration of the spine.
Spinal Bracing is a recognised option when treating Scoliosis patients. According to the research, for curves between 25 – 48 degrees, below the 8th thoracic vertebral level and, if there is a risk of curve progression; bracing should be considered (3). The spinal brace is most effective when applied during adolescence. Their main aim is to halt any progression in the curvature of the spine. Research has shown a 93% success rate for patients who wear a brace for 23 hours per day. However, for many people, compliance tends to the main issue with long term effectiveness of this type of treatment.
Surgical interventions for severe scoliosis patients have been used to stabilise curvatures greater than 45 degrees and generally improve the cosmetic appearance of the distortion patterns associated with scoliosis. The primary focus of the surgery is correcting the deformity (scoliosis) through the fusion of the spinal column using surgical rods and screws. Consultations with an orthopaedic surgeon will determine whether this is a viable intervention for the individual scoliosis patients.
What does Cox® flexion-distraction therapy feel like?
The treatment performed by the Certified Cox® Flexion-Distraction Chiropractors at Malvern Chiropractic and Melbourne Spine Clinic, is gentle, safe and non invasive. It is a method of gentle traction, performed as a slow-moving pumping action, and spinal mobilisation technique with the assistance of the highly specialised Cox® 8 Table. Overall, it feels like a deep but mild stretching feeling to the spine. All movements are slow and within the patient’s tolerance.
Fig 4. Low Back (lumbar spine) using Cox® F/D Treatment
Fig 5. Neck (cervical spine) using Cox® F/D Treatment
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(1) Scoliosis Australia – Scoliosis Detection Facts Sheet.
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
Fig 5.