Spinal Stenosis

Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?

  • Back Pain
  • Arm pain
  • Neck pain
  • Leg pain

Spinal stenosis is a commonly found in the neck, mid-back or low back. Spinal stenosis may cause just back or neck pain as well as accompanying arm pain or leg pain. It can often be age related, caused by the degrading disc space which leads to compression in the disc compartment.

How do Chiropractors treat Spinal Stenosis?

Treatment for Spinal Stenosis by Cox® certified Chiropractors at Melbourne Spine Clinic and Malvern Chiropractic Clinic uses Cox© Flexion distraction therapy, a low force spinal therapy which has been shown to treat the pain and discomfort caused by Spinal Stenosis.

Spinal stenosis normally cannot be cured owing to its degenerative nature, but the painful impact on a patient’s lifestyle may be managed. Realistically an outcome of a 50% reduction in the pain can be achieved, allowing patients to enjoy their daily life. The ability to participate in the activities of daily living is often the desired effect of any treatment for Spinal Stenosis.

Cox Technic flexion-distraction and decompression is spinal manipulation. The American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians recommend spinal manipulation as primary care for low back pain (1) of which spinal stenosis is a common cause.

Cox Technic biomechanically opens the spinal canal area by 28% and drops intradiscal pressures to as low as -192mmHg (2), both desired outcomes when dealing with Spinal Stenosis which narrows the spinal canal space.  In clinic, patients report relief of their spinal stenosis pain with Cox Technic protocols. 

Cox Technic provided significant relief of subjective, patient-reported pain and objective, doctor-recorded tests for a 60-year-old male patient with spinal stenosis is his cervical spine which also caused arm pain. (3)

Relief of spinal stenosis pain in a 78-year-old man with low back pain and leg pain due to multi-level spinal stenosis is reported and is maintained at a 5-month follow up appointment. (4)

12 visits of flexion-distraction care provide relief to a 76-year-old male lumbar spinal stenosis. (5)

15 visits of flexion-distraction over 10 weeks provide relief to a 33-year-old male with severe neck pain and arm pain due to spinal stenosis. (6)

References for Spinal Stenosis Relief with Cox Technic
1. Chou R et al: Interventional Therapies, Surgery, and Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation for Low Back Pain An Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline From the American Pain Society.  SPINE 2009; 34 (10)
2. Gudavalli MR, Cox JM, Baker JA, Cramer GD, Patwardhan AG: Intervertebral Disc Pressure Changes During a Chiropractic Procedure. Abstract from the Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference, Phoenix
3. Kruse RA, Gregerson D: Cervical Spinal stenosis resulting in radiculopathy treated with flexion-distraction manipulation: A case study. J of  the Neuromusculoskeletal System  2002;10(4):141-7 
4. Snow G: Chiropractic management of a patient with lumbar spinal stenosis. JMPT 2001; 24(4): 300-304
5. DuPriest CM:  Nonoperative management of lumbar spinal stenosis. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1993;16(6):411-4
6. Gudavalli S, Kruse R: Foraminal stenosis with radiculopathy from a cervical disc herniation in a 33-year-old man treated with flexion-distraction decompression manipulation. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2008; 31(5):376-380

A demonstration of Cox® Technic can be viewed here

References and further information available by clicking Coxtechnic.com

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